20151024 Ali2015餅乾禮盒2
餅乾禮盒前後做了兩天,其實在口味方面已經縮水很多,因為參賽時間緊迫。The cookie gift box that I made about two days. Actually, I reduced the kinds of taste because pressed for time.這次個人偏愛原味和巧克力,覺得清爽又香濃。It's fresh and fragrant this time what the plain and chocolate flavor so I prefer them.我也塑封包裝,並且附上小袋試吃。Packaged and enclosed some small foretastes.最大的幸福便是希望嚐到的夥伴們都會高興和喜歡。The greatest happiness is the all person were delighting and enjoying my cookies.